Child Safety and Protection
TVT is committed to providing and upholding an environment for children that is safe, positive and inclusive. We are committed to maintaining the club as a Child Safe Organisation that adheres to The NSW Child Safe Standards legislation. TVT has a zero-tolerance position on child abuse and any concerns or allegations will be investigated according to the TVT Child Safety and Protection Policy.

All persons attending TVT events must
• Be aware of the TVT Child Safety and Protection Policy.
• Not engage in any Prohibited Conduct, or behaviours that may be construed as Prohibited Conduct.
• Report any concerns or allegations of Prohibited Conduct towards children observed at or through club activities to the Child Safety Representative or Club President.
• Provide true and accurate information during recruitment and screening.
Parents/guardians/carers of junior participants (i.e., members aged under 18 years)
• At least one parent, guardian or carer must remain at the event venue whilst their child(ren) are participating in TVT events. TVT events are not a ‘drop and go’ arrangement.
• Chaperone children when they are using the venue toilets/changerooms.
• On days when TVT is collecting photographic images at club events for promotional purposes, TVT members under the age of 18 years or their parents/guardians/carers may indicate that consent is not given for images of themself/their child(ren) to be published by wearing a black ‘scrunchy’ band on their bicep region. Scrunchies will be supplied and TVT personnel will announce at the race briefing when promotional images are being collected.
Tweed Valley Triathletes’ Child Safety Representative is Trish Quantrill.