Child Safety Representative
Tweed Valley Triathletes’ Child Safety Representative is Trish Quantrill.
Trish is a Life Member of TVT and a long-time contributor to TVT’s junior programs. Please contact Trish regarding any child safety-related matter via email:

The TVT Child Safety Representative has the following responsibilities:
- Champion child safety and protection practices within TVT.
- Ensure that TVT members aged under 18 years are aware of the channels available to them to report allegations, concerns or complaints regarding threats to their safety.
- Receive and act upon any allegations, concerns or complaints received in relation to child safety and protection.
- Work with the TVT Executive Committee to:
i) Investigate any allegations, concerns or complaints received in relation to child safety and protection; and
ii) Develop and implement policy and/or procedures to prevent such circumstances from reoccurring.
Read Tweed Valley Triathletes’ Child Safety and Protection policy here.