At our weekly club races we have 2 distances available.
Race Distances
Senior short course
500m swim
14km cycle
4km run
Senior long course – held once a month see calender
750m swim
21km cycle
5km run
Intermediate short course
250m swim
7km cycle
2km run
Intermediate long course – held once a month see calender
500m swim
14km cycle
4km run
Aquathon course – choose your distance
500m swim
14km cycle
250m swim
7km cycle

Tri-Mite Short Course
150m swim
3km cycle
1km run
Tri-mite long course – held once a month
200m swim
4km cycle
1,5km run
Tiny Tri-Mites
Up to 150m swim
3 times around civic centre car park
1km run
Course Map
Membership of TVT gives you access to all club events & membership benefits of TriNSW.
All races, except for the long distance races, are handicapped based on the best time from qualifying races and /or the previous years times. Where a competitor has a handicap from the previous year the new handicap is to be no less than two thirds of that handicap.
Under special circumstances this can be reviewed on the recommendation of the Events Coordinator. Senior handicaps for males has a base time of 66 minutes and females have a base time of 68 minutes, while intermediate handicaps for male events has a base time is 38 minutes, and for female events the base time is 42 minutes. Trimite handicaps are taken from a base time of 22 minutes for the 11-12 years age group and 24 minutes for the 8-10 age group while the Tiny Trimites have a base time of 15 minutes.
The first three place getters are re-handicapped if they better their times.
In long distance race days all finishers receive 5 points while those that choose to complete the short course receive 2 points.

For the Senior and Intermediate competitors registration commences at 5:30 and concludes at 5:50. Races begin at 6:00. On days in which long distance races are held registration and some starting times are brought forward by 15 minutes. In March the executive may vary these times due to the lateness of daylight.
Tri-mite registration commences at 7:15 with races beginning at 7:30.
Competitors require swim wear, a bicycle (in good order), an Australian standard approved helmet and running shoes. All bikes must have a pre-season safety check. A functioning red rear light and a functioning white front light are compulsory. Competitors are responsible for their own transponder chips.
All clothing does need to cover the torso eg: where a trisuit, t-shirt, singlet.

Each competitor is issued with a race number and a transponder chip number. Race numbers are recorded in black pen on the right and left arm and on the right calf. No one is to race without a race number. Transponder chips must be worn in order to gain points in the point score competition.
On days in which long distance races are held registration and some starting times are brought forward by 15 minutes. In March the executive may vary these times due to the lateness of daylight. Please see our Facebook page and racing calender.

- All competitors must be members of Tri NSW/Australia or purchase a one day licence.
- Competitors are responsible for knowing their own handicaps and beginning the race on the correct wave times.
- Competitors must start each event with a push-off from the wall rather than a dive.
- During the swim let competitors must keep to the left of the lane and swim in a clockwise direction.
- Swimming must be continuous, unless stopping at either end of the pool, with no wading allowed.
- Triathlon Australia rules apply. There is to be no drafting on the cycle leg. A distance of 10m must be kept unless overtaking. Riders are to ride in a single file. (This is not a closed course).
- Overtaking must only occur on the right during the cycle let.
- Competitors must not have bare torsos during the bike and run leg.
- An approved helmet must be worn on the bike let. Helmets must be on the head and securely fastened before the bike is removed from the rack and not unfastened until the bike is replaced on the rack.
- Competitors must mount and dismount their bicycles in the designated area of the transition.
- Bikes must be returned to where they were originally placed before the race.
- Children under 10 must be supervised by a parent or other suitable adult during cycle legs when riding on the road. Children from 10 to under 12 must be supervised by an adult during the cycle leg if they wish to participate in the intermediate distance.
- All those supervising children on the road must be members of TriNSW/Australia at least as non-competitor members (See the Tri NSW website for details on how to join)
- All Trimite and Tiny Trimate competitors must wear a fluorescent top on the bike and run legs.
- Competitors should only cross Tumbulgum Rd during the run leg at specified markers placed on the course.
- All road rules must be obeyed. All cyclists must come to a complete stop at STOP SIGNS. Note: This is a basic traffic rule and has been stipulated by the Police in giving permission for TVT to operate.