Jeff Collier charging through the cane fields during a Tweed Valley Tri club event
Past and present will tell you there has always been a
strong female contingent in the club at TVT. Here is Joan
Gibbons – Presently still competing. The club race #
record holder is Cate Collier
strong female contingent in the club at TVT. Here is Joan
Gibbons – Presently still competing. The club race #
record holder is Cate Collier

Jeff, ripping the run at TVT circa 95′. Original member and still competing member. Legendary
A short documentary brilliantly done by Tatts. Shows these three legends preparing for worlds on the Gold Coast 2010. Bill Chaffey, Dwain Fitzsimmons, Jeff Collier. Remarkable TVT athletes. Bill is still racing at TVT and all 3 make great contribution to young and adult athlete development
Chris showing some leg here on the run. Chris is he backbone of Tweed Valley Triathletes. Still competing. Still the one we have to thank every week for the opportunity to race.

Brian rocking some Black Ice Sunnies. I had a pair when I was 10 – Still the coolest sunnies ever. Brian still races with them and they are still in fashion. Brian always has a smile and its great seeing him at events outside club either as competing or officiating.
Cannibal Half Ironman Cabarita Beach. Program here shows the bike course – Clothiers Creek Rd, Farrants Hill. Can we bring it back?

J. Collier archives. Club distance Triathlon a few pioneers on the list here Glenn Forbes – Cannibal Clothing and Miles Stewart – Australian Pro / Current Tri Aus CEO. I also recognise Andrew Johns and Jeff is in here too of course not too far off a very point field