Juniors – Tri-Mites and Tiny Tri-Mites
TVT has junior run events each Saturday from 7:00am during school terms.
At TVT we call them – Tri-Mites and Tiny Tri-Mites
Tiny Trimites:- 5-8 years old
Tri Mites:- 8-10 years & 11-12year old
All Tri-mite registration commences at 7:15 with races beginning at 7:30 finished by 8:30am.
We encourage parents to become involved in helping with the races on the course.

Equipment & Clothing
Competitors require swimwear, a bicycle – any bike type is fine (in good order), an Australian standard approved helmet and running shoes.
All clothing does need to cover the torso eg: where a trisuit, t-shirt, singlet. Trisuit vests are available from the sign in desk
Tiny Tri-Mites
Up to 150m swim
3 times around civic centre car park
1 km run
Map Here
Tri-mite long course – held once a month see race calendar
200m swim
4 km cycle
1,5 km run