How to join or renew membership with Tweed Valley Triathletes

New to triathlon?

Tweed Valley Triathletes is a friendly family club we hold weekly Saturday races from October to March based at Murwillumbah Pool.
The club races are for adults and children 5-12 years old.
Learn more about the start times, course and distances on our events page.

Simply register with the TriNSW membership portal following the link below. Choose Tweed Valley Triathletes as your club and will see a range of membership options available to you. We recommend “Standard” or “Premium” level of membership. If the “Basic” level is selected will need pay an additional $4.50 each time they enter club event.


Race Calendar 2023/24

As a member of TVT we recommend the “Standard” level of membership with Tri NSW

  • Train & race with your club
  • Insurance for training & racing*
  • Save on entry fees with an unlimited race licence for events on Triathlon Australia’s calendar
  • Standard Personal Accident Cover*
  • Public Liability Cover*
  • Exclusive partner discounts and offers
  • Eligible to represent and earn points for your club at club championships and other interclub competitions
  • Become a champion: eligibility to compete for state and national championships
  • Eligible to earn qualification points for selection on the Australian Age Group
  • Keep up to date with all things triathlon with access to Triathlon Australia and State Association

Membership of TVT gives you access to all club events & membership benefits of TriNSW.

Family Discount

Families receive a 25% discount. A family must consist of at least 3 families members, one must an adult. 

Trial Memberships

Want to give triathlon a go for the first time? You are able to compete two times before joining TriAustralia – TRI NSW.

You will still need to pay $8 each time you compete. If you decide to continue, you will need to join Tri Australia – Tri NSW to become a fully financial club and Triathlon NSW member.

Alternately, you can create an account with Triathlon Australia HERE, and select the trial membership. Details below:

Active Kids Vouchers

We accept active kids vouchers for junior members. Email: for more information.

Not included in Membership

There is a one off payment of $10.00 for the purchase of a timing chip needed to record individual times for events. Continuing members are reminded to use their allocated chip from previous years. (Trimites and Tiny Trimites do not have to purchase chips)

Pool Entry

Club membership fees do not cover entry to the pool complex. Competitors and spectators need to purchase their own entry passes. Tweed Shire Council has generously offered discounts  for people participating in the club’s Saturday morning events.

Casual Members And Visitors From Other Clubs Tri Australia Affiliated.

Visitors are welcome to participate as casual members. However, no casual member is allowed to participate in more than three events unless they become full members and pay the appropriate fees. Casual Adult members must pay the $8.00 fee for a one-day licence each time they participate while members from other clubs need to pay $4.00. Children do not have to pay for a one-day licence.

Triathlon NSW Membership

Members wishing to compete in club events must also purchase a Triathlon NSW Membership at an additional cost.

TVT recommends purchasing a ‘Standard’ or ‘Premium’ TNSW membership.
Members who take out ‘Basic’ membership with TNSW will need to
pay $3.50 each time they enter a club event.

Create a free account at Triathlon Australia and see the memberships available

To join both TVT and Triathlon NSW go to Tri NSW, ( ) and
click on the links. All club members must be financial members of Triathlon NSW.

Family Discount

Families receive a 25% discount. A family must consist of at least 1 adult, but not more than two
adults and have at least three people (adults and children)

Age Groups
Tiny Trimites:- 5-8 years old

Tri Mites:- 8-10 years

Intermediates:- 10 and over (under 12 years old must be supervised on the bike leg)

Seniors:- over 12

Note:- The age of competitors is their age as on December 31

Race System

All races, except for the long distance races, are handicapped based on the best time from qualifying races and /or the previous years’ times. Where a competitor has a handicap from the previous year the new handicap is to be no less than two thirds of that handicap.  Under special circumstances this can be reviewed on the recommendation of the Events Coordinator.

Senior handicaps for males has a base time of 64 minutes and females have a base time of 66 minutes, while intermediate handicaps for male events has a base time is 38 minutes, and for female events the base time is 40 minutes. Trimite handicaps are taken from a base time of 22 minutes for the 11-12 years age group and 24 minutes for the 8-10 age group while the Tiny Trimites have a base time of 15 minutes

Race Distances

Senior short course
500m swim 14km cycle 4km run

Senior long course – held once a month see calender
750m swim 21km cycle 5km run

Intermediate short course
250m swim 7km cycle 2km run

Intermediate long course – held once a month see calender
500m swim 14km cycle 4km run

Aquathon course – choose your distance
500m swim 14km cycle 


250m swim 7km cycle 

Point Score

1st place 10 points
2nd place 9 points
3rd place 8 points
4th place 4 points

All other finishers 2 points.

The first three place getters are re-handicapped if they better their times.

In long distance race days all finishers receive 5 points while those that choose to complete the short course receive 2 points.

Starting Times

For the Senior and Intermediate competitors registration commences at 5:30 and concludes at 5:50. Races begin at 6:00. On days in which long distance races are held registration and some starting times are brought forward by 15 minutes. In March the executive may vary these times due to the lateness of daylight.

Tri-mite registration commences at 7:15 with races beginning at 7:30.


Competitors require swim wear, a bicycle (in good order), an Australian standard approved helmet and running shoes. All bikes must have a pre-season safety check. A functioning red rear light and a functioning white front light are compulsory. Competitors are responsible for their own transponder chips.

Eg: Mountain, Road Bike Are Fine

Race Numbers And Timing Chips

Each competitor is issued with a race number and a transponder chip number. Race numbers are recorded in black pen on the right and left arm and on the right calf. No one is to race without a race number. Transponder chips must be worn in order to gain points in the point score competition.